秋祭 | 静岡高校工学部



1149342023-10-25 03:25:41matsumarutetsujiApython19/19RE78

N = input(" ")
if N > 1882:
    M = 1882 - N
else: M = -1
print("あなたは M 期生です")

sample1.txt RE 75
sample2.txt RE 75
sample3.txt RE 74
sample4.txt RE 73
sample5.txt RE 77
case1.txt RE 78
case2.txt RE 75
case3.txt RE 74
case4.txt RE 74
case5.txt RE 74
case6.txt RE 74
case7.txt RE 78
case8.txt RE 75
case9.txt RE 74
case10.txt RE 75
case11.txt RE 75
case12.txt RE 75
case13.txt RE 74
case14.txt RE 75
78 RE
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/judge/submit2/114934/a.py", line 2, in <module>
    if N > 1882:
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'