提出id | 提出時刻 | ユーザー名 | 問題 | 言語 | 判定状況 | 判定 | 実行時間 |
114838 | 2023-10-24 08:44:49 | hiikunZ | J | python | 11/11 | RE | 89 |
import sys
# UnionFind
class UnionFind:
def __init__(self, n):
self.par = [-1] * n
self.S = n
def root(self, A):
if self.par[A] < 0:
return A
self.par[A] = self.root(self.par[A])
return self.par[A]
def same(self, A, B):
return self.root(A) == self.root(B)
def unite(self, A, B):
a = self.root(A)
b = self.root(B)
if a == b:
return False
if self.par[a] > self.par[b]:
a, b = b, a
self.par[a] += self.par[b]
self.par[b] = a
self.S -= 1
return True
def size(self, A):
return -self.par[self.root(A)]
def size(self):
return self.S
# main
N, M, X, P = map(int, input().split())
B = list(map(int, input().split()))
T = list(map(int, input().split()))
# assert(1 <= N and N <= 100)
# assert(1 <= M and M <= 100000)
# assert(1 <= X and X <= 100000)
# assert(1 <= P and P <= 1000000000)
# assert(len(B) == N)
# assert(len(T) == M)
#for i in range(N):
# assert(1 <= B[i] and B[i] <= 1000000000)
#for i in range(M):
# assert(1 <= T[i] and T[i] <= 1000000000)
UF = UnionFind(M + 100)
while True:
u, v = map(int, input().split())
#assert(1 <= u and u <= M)
#assert(1 <= v and v <= M)
u -= 1
v -= 1
UF.unite(u, v)
ok = True
u,v = map(int, input().split())
ok = False
ans = 0
for i in range(M):
dis = 10**18
for j in range(N):
dis = min(dis, abs(B[j] - T[i]))
if dis <= P:
if UF.unite(i, M):
ans += 1
case1.txt AC 18 case2.txt RE 89 case3.txt RE 85 case4.txt RE 77 case5.txt RE 77 case6.txt RE 80 case9.txt RE 77 case10.txt RE 86 case11.txt RE 81 case13.txt RE 80 sample1.txt AC 16 89 RE